📄️ Getting Started with VIM Cloud
The VIM Cloud platform enables you to generate and view detailed building information modeling (BIM) reports from VIM files using Microsoft Power BI.
📄️ Creating VIM Cloud Projects
There are two types of VIM Cloud projects:
📄️ Working with Templates
You can create your own Power BI templates, or you can download the default template from VIM Cloud and modify it as required in Power BI Desktop. You can then upload your own customized templates to VIM Cloud and use them to generate reports.
📄️ Working with VIM Files
VIM Cloud enables you to open project VIM files, view the rendered 3D project, and explore the BIM data in the in the WebGL Viewer. You can also download project VIM files for use with other applications, such as VIM Enterprise.
📄️ 3D Navigation and Controls
Keyboard and Mouse Controls for the VIM Cloud WebGL Viewer
📄️ Managing VIM Cloud Organizations
When you create a VIM Cloud account, you are assigned a default organization, of which you are automatically a member. VIM Cloud organizations enable you to share projects and reports with other members, and work collaboratively to update projects and reports.