📄️ VIM Desktop Crashes
Troubleshooting Steps
📄️ VIM Ultra is Slow
Troubleshooting Steps
📄️ Set NVIDIA to Prefer Maximum Performance
If you have an NVIDIA card and experience a VIM Desktop crash, or see a black rectangle on your screen, try the following setting.
📄️ Unable to export extremely large projects from Revit
In some cases, Revit is unable to export extremely large projects. This is usually a hardware limitation of the computer being used to export the VIM file.
📄️ Export from Revit takes a long time or appears to freeze
You may experience unusually long processing times when exporting a VIM file from Revit. Large VIM files (7GB+) should only take approximately 1 hour to export. If your export is taking a significantly longer time, follow the steps below.
📄️ Application Log Files
If you are unable to resolve a problem, you may need to send us the log files so we can identify the source of the issue.