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Export from Revit takes a long time or appears to freeze

You may experience unusually long processing times when exporting a VIM file from Revit. Large VIM files (7GB+) should only take approximately 1 hour to export. If your export is taking a significantly longer time, follow the steps below.

  1. Close Autodesk Revit and any other Autodesk applications that are open.
  2. Navigate to your Windows user Temp folder (replace <user> with your user name):
  3. Delete the contents of the Temp directory.
    You might be prompted to skip some files that are being used by other applications.
  4. Reboot your computer.
  5. Export the VIM file again.

If this does not resolve the issue, temporarily disable any other Revit plugins you have installed. This will determine if there is a conflict between the VIM for Revit plugin and another Revit plugin. If you find there is a conflict, please contact Support and provide a list of the plugins you have installed so that we can resolve the issue.

To temporarily disable a plugin:

  1. Close Revit.
  2. Locate the plugin folder: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\<version>.
  3. Move all of the plugin folders, except the VIM folder, to a temporary location.
  4. Start Revit. Add-ons will be disabled.
  5. When you are finished, close Revit, return the folders to their original location, and then restart Revit.