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VIM IFC Converter

The VIM IFC converter (Vim.Ifc.Converter.exe) is a Windows command line tool that enables you to convert IFC files to VIM files.

  • To install the VIM IFC converter, you must have the file.
  • Before you can use the VIM IFC converter, you must install a VIM license file. For more information, see Installing the VIM License File.

Installing VIM IFC Converter

  1. Create a folder for the VIM IFC converter files, for example, C:\Program Files\VIM\VIMIFCConverter.
  2. Copy the file to the folder you created and extract the files.
  3. With Windows Explorer open to the folder you created, type cmd in the address bar. A command prompt will appear, set to the current folder location.
  4. Verify the installation by typing .\Vim.Ifc.Converter.exe --help. A list of options should be displayed.

VIM IFC Converter Syntax


.\Vim.Ifc.Converter.exe -i "c:\path\to\input_file.ifc" -o "c:\path\to\output_file.vim" -l "c:\path\to\output_log.log"
-i --inputRequired. The input IFC file.
-o --outputRequired. The output VIM file path.
-l --logThe log file path.
--centered(Default: false) Determines whether the exported model is centered at the origin.
--center-mode(Default: Average) Determines how the model will be centered (Average or Median).
--cull-distance(Default: 0) Determines the distance from the centroid at which nodes will be culled from the final export. If this value is zero or negative, no nodes are culled by distance.
--quality(Default: High) The tessellation quality (High, Normal, Low)
--single-threaded(Default: false) Determines whether the converter runs in single-threaded mode.
--scale-overrideOverrides the scaling factor applied to the converted geometry and its nodes.
--sites(Default: true) Exports site geometry
--license(Optional) The license string, if you want to specify it as a command line argument
--helpDisplays the command line application's usage
--versionDisplays the command line application's version information.